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Not working on Iphone
The phone model you have does not matter when sharing!
1. Make sure to touch your device to the very top of the back of their phone.
On iPhones, the sweet spot for reading a Mycard is on the very top of the back of the device.
2. Mycard CANNOT be read when:
– their phone is in airplane mode
– their device flashlight is on
– their phone screen is off
– their camera is open
Not working on Android
1. Make sure to touch your Mycard to the very center of the back of their phone.
For Androids, the sweet spot for reading a Mycard is in the center of the back of the device.
2. Make sure NFC is turned on in their phone settings
If their phone is on the compatible devices list and is still not reading your Mycard, go to their phone settings and search for NFC. Make sure that “NFC” is turned on!
How to pop your info to an older iPhone (7, 8, X)
To pop to an iPhone 7, iPhone 8 or iPhone X, you must use the NFC reader in their control center! See the image below for how to activate this:
My Mycard device is sending me notifications constantly
Contact us!
Call or Text us : +66 83 925 4165 or send an email to
Where do I put my mycard device?
Does the other person need mycard device or app to receive my info?
No! The other person does not need a Mycard or app to receive your profile. That’s the beauty of Mycard ⚡️
If their phone is on this list of compatible devices you can pop to their phone. If it is not, just use your QR code on your profile to share!
Do I need to pay a monthly fee to use Mycard?
Mycard does NOT require a monthly fee once purchased!
Can I order custom devices?
How to pop your info to an older iPhone (7, 8, X)
To pop to an iPhone 7, iPhone 8 or iPhone X, you must use the NFC reader in their control center! See the image below for how to activate this:
Will mycard device work under my phone case?
Yes! Mycard will work through 99.9% of phone cases, including ones that hold credit cards. The only exception would be if your case has a layer of metal.
Which smartphones can I pop my digital business card to?
For iPhones, the iPhone XR, XS, XS Max, 11, 11 Pro, 11 Pro Max, SE and all future iPhones are compatible with the pop feature of Mycard.
When reading from the Mycard app, iPhone 7 and newer are compatible with Mycard! Just use the “Read a Popl” function in the main menu.
Virtually all Android Smartphones are compatible with the pop feature of Mycard.
How do I share with non-compatible phones?
You can also share your profile via text, airdrop, email or any social network by sharing the link to your Mycard profile.
Will my mycard device interfere with my wireless charger?
As long as your Mycard phone tag is placed away from the charging area of your phone (an iPhone’s MagSafe ring for example), wireless charging should not have any effect on the device. But if a Mycard phone tag is placed within the charging area or close enough to it, the Mycard phone tag may stop working.
We recommend placing your Mycard phone tag on the back of your phone as far away from your wireless charger as possible to avoid this!
How to turn NFC on for an android
Some Android phones have NFC turned off by default!
If your Android is not reading Mycards, go to your phone settings and search for “NFC”. Then make sure you have this turned on!
How long will it take to receive my mycard once purchased?
Shipping time within Thailand is typically 3-5 business days.
All orders come with tracking! Please contact us if you haven’t received your order.
Do you ship worldwide?
Yes we do!
How can I track my order?
Mycard not delivered?
if you have not received your Mycard, please try the steps below:
Check your mailbox! Many times your Mycard is waiting there.
2. Contact your local post office or carrier and reference the tracking info.
3. There are times when your package is marked delivered but doesn’t arrive for another 24-48 hours. If your package has not arrived within this time frame, please contact us.
mycard app help
How do I get Mycard?
How do I change my profile URL?
What is my Mycard Connections?
When someone pops or connects with you, the new person gets added to your connections automatically. This page saves the profile of everyone you meet so you can make sure to never lose another important connection.
You can also export this list of contacts to Salesforce, HubSpot and a normal CSV for exporting into the CRM of your choice 🙌
WhatsApp: +66 83 925 4165
Line: @MYCARD911
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